Senior citizen computer tips If you are past 50, you may find that your computer could use a few tweaks to make it fit your changing physical needs. You may also want some tips about using your computer more effectively. This page should give you just what you need.
First, let's look at some ways to make your computer more compatible with your changing physical needs. There
are a number of things you can do and free programs you can download that will make your computer
easier to see and easier to use.
1. Visual display. As we age our eyesight changes and sometimes it become more difficult to read our computer screens. There are a number of things you can do to fix that. Go to Senior citizen computer - adjusting your visual display
2. What to do if it hurts to use your computer mouse. There are two things that can assist Senior citizen computer users who are having difficulty using their computer mouse:
3. Useful free program
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