Robert C Funk poetry

Robert C Funk says he only began writing poetry as he moved into elderhood. Here is a Haiku he submitted for publication.


A lone night owl

Welcomes the sun

Hoot, hoot, hoot


The dawn spring wind

Lifts an eagle aloft

Crash dive breakfast


Desert mountains

The rising sun

Is the painter


Awakening at dawn

In the wind swept desert

Cold bites my chin


Like life

Common is uncommon


Robert C. Funk


Unpublished 01162010

Haiku is a poem form from Japan that has become increasingly popular in North America and Europe. Haiku is written in a vertical line with seventeen sound units or mora. Each 'verse has three lines. The first has five beats, the second seven, and the third has five.

Haiku poems can have any subject but nature is the one used most often. You may want to try your hand at this form of poetry. It can be challenging and your Haiku can be built over days or weeks.

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