Online degree courses Taking courses from an Accredited College or University is important. If you take classes at an unaccredited college your degree will worthless in the market place.
Some people do not realize that it is not enough to find an accredited online college or university, you also need to be sure that the specific program you want is also accredited before you sign up for Online degree courses.
How this works. Most professional programs (Nursing, Teaching etc.)have their own accrediting boards. Each college or university needs to apply for special accreditation for these programs if their graduates are to use their degree in the marketplace. If you are going to take Online degree courses make sure that the individual major or program that you are considering also has been awarded accreditation if such is available.
How can your find out if a college or university Online degree courses are accredited and that the program that interests you has passed all special accreditation reviews?
It is easy, ASK. Most institutions are very proud of gaining
such recognition. Program accreditation is usually listed in admissions material and it is usually included in the description of the program on the college or university web site. If you do NOT see a statement about accreditation, ask. Ask an admissions counselor. "What accreditation does your institution have? Has this major also received professional accreditation?" This is one of most important questions you need answered before you enroll in any program.Be sure to get the answer in writing. (E-mail is fine. Just be sure to save the e-mail.)
Here is a list of the major agencies and special educational groups that review colleges and universities in the United States. With this information in hand, you are able screen colleges and universities in the United States that offer Online degree courses because you will know what sort of accreditation they should have.
National Agencies for Accredited Online degree courses at college and universities.
Click here for some practical advice (as well as some warnings) about Online degrees courses
You can check the U.S. Government site of Online degree courses - Accredited programs
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