Read this Hydrosil heater warning so you do not waste your money. Plug in electric heaters are becoming popular. Many people are interested in the portable heaters that can be moved from room to room. But you need to be careful when you purchase.
Hydrosil is a company that has been selling electric heaters for a many years. They have both permanent 220 volt units and portable 110 volt units. You may have seen their aids that feature a young girl playing next to one of their units. The ad prominently displays UNLIMITED WARRANTY and so most people feel that this is a safe purchase. If anything goes wrong the company will make good. This is no longer true.
No matter what this company did in past years, they now include with your order receipt a statement that units are not returnable. Yes, non-returnable.
This does not mean that they are not returnable if you decide to change your mind about your purchase because you do not like the color. It means that the unit is not returnable for any reason even if the unit is defective.
Yes, you read that correctly. Even if the company sends you a defective unit that blows your fuses or trips your electric box, they will not take it back. And if you ask to return it, their customer service person says, that your receipt said that the units are non-returnable.
That is why I post this Hydro-Sill heater warning.
Many seniors are trying to reduce their utility bills and the ads are so appealing. But there is no saving if you spend $200 or more on a heating unit that does not work and you can not get your money back.
Buyer beware with this item.
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