Ginseng is another Anti-aging tonic. One of its most effective uses is its ability to stop the over production of cortisol.
Cortisol, the stress hormone, is an important and powerful hormone. But it is so powerful that an excessive amount can destroy neurons in our brains and interfere with memory. Many mid-life adults who experience problems with their memories are suffering the effects of too much cortisol production.
Cortisol can also have negative effects on your cardiovascular system. It is well known that hard driving Type A personalities are at risk for heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. This appears to be a direct result of an overproduction of cortisol as a response to excessive stress.
Ginseng has a long tradition in both Asian and European medicine. And it was very popular during the 17th and 18th centuries in the United States. The wild variety is still a major crop in states such as Kentucky. Part of the allure of this herbal root has been its association as an aphrodisiac.
But as a brain tonic the most important aspect of this supplement is its ability to reduce the production of cortisol which is so toxic to brain cells.
There are many different forms of this potent root: Panax Panax quinquefolium and Siberian. All are commercially available. Because the quality of the product can vary widely, it is usually advised to buy it only from trusted suppliers. And if you are purchasing it for cognitive improvement, some advise using the Siberian strain type. Special Cautions DO NOT USE this supplement if you have hypertension (high blood pressure) or sclerotic degeneration of blood vessels. It is harmful in these conditions.
Do NOT use it is you are feverish or suffer from bleeding. It is harmful in these conditions.
Some people who use it, especially if they use it for a long time, can experience insomnia, headaches, heartaches, tachycardia or depression. Be alert for any such reactions developing - even if they do not start until weeks or months later.
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