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Ageless Aging Jan 2018 January 04, 2018 |
Greetings in this new year Good new year to you. May this be the best year of you adult life. Full of new experiences and new friends. One of the great things about our growing older is that we have more time to explore what life can offer. And the Internet gives us access to more information than our parents could ever have hoped to find. There are even discussion groups on almost any topic we might like. Just do a web search: Discussion group xxxx (your topic). You may find more than one. I hope that you will take full advantage of all that the www offers: discussion groups, advice on almost any topic, puzzels and games. Yes, face to face interaction is importnat... and we all have a basic need for touch. But the Internet offers us the means to reach out and communicate in ways that were not there for our grand parents. 1. Technical stuff. As you know there has been a lot of hacking in the past year or so. New security: I have spent the last 2 months changing pages on the anti- aging-articles site to a new more secure code. If you ever have trouble reaching the site try typing in instead of The s in https designated that the site now used the new secure code. Shopping - new directionsShopping tips to remember: If you are shopping, you can always ask for a discount. Sometimes asking brings a lower price. . You lose nothing by saying, "I really like this. Is there any way you can do a bit better on the price?" OR if you live where you can buy on line from Amazon. check the price on Amazon before you go shopping. Then you can say, "I can get this for .... on Amazon. I would like to shop local, can you do any better on your price?Also if you live where there are Best Buy stores, the company has just announced that they will meet any Amazon price. So check Amazon's prices before you shop and tell the sales person that price. Best Buy has promised to meet it. . Finally, do consider buying directly from crafts people or hobbiests. Try Etsy. Example. I am very tall and I just found a company in Central Europe who list on Etsy and who will make a winter caftan according to my measurements...for a reasonable price. A few years ago, I found a local woman who liked to sew who made me something. I bought the material and she did the sewing. . It is likely that there are knitters, crocheters and even lace makers who would be glad for the extra income. How to find them? Ask friends...Post to facebook.. Put a notice on your community bulletin board or Contact your local group for seniors. Getting the word out may help both you and the craftsperson. Example: There is a young woman Jennifer Stevens in Midwest USA who crochets: hats, scarves, quilts etc. She has a facebook page: . But you are likely to have knitters or crocheters closer to home. If we want to preserve 'hand made' we need to shop hand made. Finally, your suggestions wanted.If there are topics you would like discussed in future newsletters, please let me know. Just hit REPLY and I will get your post. I can not reply to each person individually BUT I shall put your suggestions on my list for future newsletters.Be well and may 2018 be your best year yet. Kate Kate Lindemann, Ph.d |
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