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Ageless Aging news -April April 02, 2014 |
Hello Today's newsletter covers another of the topics you requested. I promised that I shall write about one in each mailing - until all are covered. (But of course if anyone sends an additional topic, I shall add that to the list also. I want this newsletter to be what YOU want or need.) YOUTUBEI may have written about this before but I really think it important so I repeat. Do you use YOUTUBE? Have your watched any of the Centenarian or Elder videos? (I have been watching them for about a year. There are interviews with elders, reports of sport feats (marathons, long distance biking etc.) as well as research reports from the Georgia Centenarian study and the elders of Okinawa. The Georgia Centenarian study really entrances me...maybe because it is not just 'talking heads'. They interview the centenarians themselves. .I have been struck by how many 'alive and well' centenarians play a musical instrument. Example: Youtube has an interview with Alice Somer Herz ( 108 years old pianist) She sill plays Chopin, one of her favorites. Music was a survival mechanism for her and still sustains her. . I am also struck, too, by how many elders begin drawing or painting in their older years. Poetry too. Both music and art are 'right brained' activities and often lead to a relaxed state of mind. (Yes, I have found that doing contour drawing is as effective as my prescription pain medication at times. I wonder if in the future physicians will prescribe an art class or even just doodling....taking music lessons as a way to deal with pain.....instead of drugs.) . If you are a poet or artist, remember that you can upload 1 poem or up to 4 pictures to the web site. And of course tell us about yourself or your work. I am wondering if I should add a page where musicians or dancers to put a link to a video of their work. I can NOT host such videos on the site - technical things prevent that. But if there is interest I could add a page, set up a form so you could write a bit about yourself and put link to a video you might have on a website, blog or youtube. If this interests you, would you let me know? Just reply to this email and i shall get your post. Health tipThis morning's New York Times includes a story about a new outbreak of the Eboloa virus. As I read it, I wondered if anyone is using olive leaf among the preventatives or treatments. Medical research has shown it has anti-viral properties. .Yes, I have written about Olive leaf in the past. I am so impressed with its health/medicinal properties so I would like to list some of them: In 2010 journal Scientific Pharmacology published an article listing medicainal properties of olive leaf: "antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, anti-cancer activities, antimicrobial activity, antiviral activity, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effect." Also in recent years they found that one of the substances in olive leaf stimulates osteoblasts, the cells which build new bone. . If this bone building effect interests you, do visit my other web site. Here is a link to the page about Olive leaf: Osteoporosis.html Saris older womenOne of our readers from Asia asked if I knew of any patterns or even places to buy Saris for older women. I have spent much, much of time trying to find something but have come up empty handed. If any of you have a suggestion that I could pass on to her, please let me know. .Also if you can recommend stores that sell Western style dresses that 'come below the knee' and would be suitable for readers, I would be glad for that information too. .
Speaking?Finally, a few weeks ago I was invited to speak at a Symposium about "Women's Health across the Life Span". Of course my theme was Elderhood. ( 'Elderhood NOW' was the title and I was very upfront that I want to see another social revolution NOW.) The talk was very well received - got a standing ovation in fact.) Since then it I have thought that such a talk might be of use in other places besides Orange County, New York. .My health is better and I can travel ...and there is always Skype (I have attended meetings where main speakers were Skyped in. They even included Q&A sessions since the speakers could see us as well as we could see them.) So.....If you or your group would like a speaker about Elderhood or some aspect of it, do contact me. .
I also have done considerable research about about cognitive issues and about preventing and reversing bone loss. My web site: is even followed by some in the health care community.) So - maybe we can get to meet face to face? Thanks for reading this far. As always it is privilege to send you this newsletter. Your interest, your quest for knowledge is so heartening. As for repetition of some topics...maybe it is the teacher in me. (Some advisers say: Most people need to hear/read a thing 5 times before they really notice it.)
Be well, be happy. And do 'touch earth' with your hands at least 5 times a week.
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