Anti-aging face mask Natural skin care tip

Anti-aging face mask. Home made natural skin care can be easy and effective.It is the way that many women around the world make sure their skin is clear,soft and glowing. If you find that your skins is dull, you might try this face mask to brighten and refresh it.

It is easy to make: It takes only 3 ingrediests: organic yogurt, a fresh lemon and some sandalwood powder.

Many women around the world  know the skin benefits of yogurt and fresh lemon. But the skin care benefits of sandlewood powder are less well known. Still Sandalwood has been used for skin care in India for centuries. 

Think of the Indian women you know or recall pictures of women from India that you have seen. These women usually have smoothe and glowing skin. What may not be well known is that most Indian women make their own skin care products. They do not buy over the counter creams and lotions. Instead, they use age old receipies of natural ingredients to keep their skin smoothe and glowing.

You can make one of these effective Anti-aging face mask products too. Smooth, glowing facial skin will be one of the effects.

Anti-aging face mask recepie

The ingredients you need are:

1 tablespoon organic yogurt

1 teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 tablespoon sandalwood powder

Instructions: Mix all these ingredients. Apply them to your face, and leave the application on until it dries.  Then gently wash it off.

(Massaging the ingredients into your face as your rinse them off will also give you some exfoliation.)  Result? Your skin will look bright and refreshed. 

How and why does this treatmentwork? 

 Sandalwood powder is often used  in Ayurvedic medicine because it has so many benefits. Clear smoothe skin is only one of them. Then , too the lactic acid in the yogurt helps to smooth and moisturize  your skin.

Of course you will only see the benefits if you actually try this anti-aging face mask. I hope you will give it a trial - for at least a month. And since this face mask recepie is so new to women outside India, I hope that some of you will return to this page to share your  results with others.

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