Anti-Aging Tips are all over the Internet. Suddenly everyone seems to have advice. Aging has become is a financial boon for authors, manufacturers of products for the over 50 age group. "Use that". "Hold onto your youth" "Stop aging in its tracks". "No need to get old if you just try our XXX, buy our YYY Merchants realize that we are living longer and that the large cohort born after WWII are getting older. Businesses see a bonanza for merchandising with a 'stay young' flair.
If you are looking for Anti-Aging Tips online, you want real advice. So get organized:
1. Make a list of things that you do not like about the fact that you are growing old. Yes, I am serious. Make a your list. Open a txt file and start writing:
My first Anti-Aging tip is to start you own list. Put your concerns in writing so you can see them. Externalize them. Once you have done that then.
Anti-Aging Tips . Think about them and then do one thing to deal with a concern this week. In two weeks try to address one more. There is no reason why your older years need be terrible. They can be and should be the very best of your life. I know mine are and friends say, "I never realized how good my old age could be." But we need to take action to make them so.
2. Again, let's review: What are your concerns, fears? For many their biggest fear is becoming dependent or reliant on others....losing the 'independence' that their adulthood brought.
But really, let's think about that. Just how free and independent are most adults? Many 'think' they are independent but that is only because they no longer have the dependency of childhood.
There are adult dependencies. We depend on our jobs, our social roles, our place of shelter, our means of transportation, the companionship of co-workers, spouses, children ans friends as well as all the professionals we consult when we need advice or care.
Do you really think that the loss of something on that list means losing everything? If so, I suggest you ask your local librarian to recommend some books written by or about people who found their most rewarding work or an place in society AFTER they retired. Yes, that is true for millions. Examples from Retired politicians: US Presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton.
From business: Cinde J. Dolphin, Laurie M. Orlov and others who started new businesses in their elder years. Retirement gave them the freedom to do what they wanted and they acted on it. The big question is: What will you do in this special time of your life?
More Anti-Aging Tips:
There are the millions of elders who have used their post adult years to explore and develop new parts of themselves - parts they never had the time for when they were younger.
Finally, many elders use their new found freedom and time to explore and develop parts of themselves that adult responsibilities never gave time to do.
And here are even more Anti-Aging Tips.
I love these answers because, they show that retirement doesn’t need to be about “aging gracefully” Choosing or creating your own Anti-Aging Tips list can make such a difference in your elder years.
We can live later years with the same curiosity, courage, and bohemian energy that motivated them in the 1960s. We can look after ourselves, exercise, have fun, following our quirky hobbies, look after our grandchildren, and hold on to the things that really matter to us.
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